Want us at your school?
To register your interest in the team visiting your school, please complete the registration form below, or email schooltours@iamhope.org.nz
While mental health struggles are not new, they are new to young people. This is why we work to deliver mental health education in language they understand, from people they can relate to.
By being vulnerable about our own experiences, students are reassured they’re not alone, and it’s safe to discuss their feelings.
It is about stopping the silent struggle, normalising the conversation, and being honest about the ups and downs of life.
Self-doubt and distress grow over time when we don’t address them. We know supporting and investing in our youth can stop this cycle, and forever change the way New Zealand approaches mental health.
“Little people, Big feelings” sees our ambassadors come into primary schools with our colourful children’s books to connect with our youngest kids.
Across the TR & Mack series, we cover everything from understanding bullying to overthinking, doubt and distress. By combining this context with our ambassador’s lived experience and classroom conversations, we can bring our messages to life.
Discover the world of emotions with Hope Zoo, a unique online experience for children. In this virtual setting, children explore various emotions, learning how they might manifest and why they can be beneficial, as well as developing awareness of coping techniques.
Hope Zoo serves as a digital guide to feelings, aiding children in identifying and articulating their thoughts. By engaging with Hope Zoo, they acquire essential skills, learning to properly recognise and name their emotions.
In the world of social media where everyone is showing their best selves it is easy for young people to think everyone else has got it together. By being vulnerable and sharing their stories our youth ambassadors show students that self-doubt and overthinking are a universal experience.
In the dictionary Vulnerability is described as exposing your self to physical or emotional harm. No act of bravery is possible without someone being vulnerable. When our Youth Ambassadors discuss their lived experience, young people can see someone like them bravely expressing their struggles with passion and being heard.
People often confuse ‘intervention’ with ‘prevention’ and our current intervention focused, mental health system is definitely not working. Our prevention centred model doesn’t just work, it’s one of the best ways to address mental health in terms of both results and cost-effectiveness. Our approach to mental health as a country must combine proactive prevention and professional support.
While that is a feeling most of us are familiar with, for people going through mental health distress, their friends and family are crucial in getting them to a better place. Mistakes happen when we try to ‘fix’ the problem by offering unsolicited advice, or worse, we run away for fear of saying the wrong thing. Our resources page has some handy advice on navigating these challenging conversations. Remember your love and support makes all the difference in making a loved one feel valued and cared for.
Stopping discussions about mental health doesn’t prevent these issues. Instead, it hides them. Discussing mental health challenges isn’t just the first step in getting help, it’s the first step in fighting the stigma.
Parents are always asking "how old should my child be, and how big should their problem be before they see a counsellor?" The younger and smaller the problem the better. The sooner we get young people to understand that talking to a health professional about small issues, before they become major issues the better.
Distressed young people, with the right support, can thrive due to developed resilience – a journey we’ve seen across the country.
No. Mental health is a wicked problem, and requires everyone from professionals to the community to create the solution.
No. Our focus is on normalising the inner critic by sharing stories of life’s ups and downs. The key take-aways from the talks are self-doubt and overthinking are a normal part of life but if it gets too much free counselling is available through Gumboot Friday.
Our work is proactive – by giving youth the tools they need to combat mental distress, we can be the fence at the top of the cliff instead of the ambulance at the bottom.
Yes! Historically, we have done workshops involving school staff and family. Mental Health is a community problem and the best outcomes always come from community solutions.
No. Research in the field highlights the earlier we begin a health intervention, the better the outcomes. This is especially true for an age group defined by neuroplasticity and impressionability.
If you’re interested in bringing us in, please get in touch using the form below and we will reach out to you with next steps.
We have received incredible testimonies from young people and schools who have felt the value that being vulnerable can have.
To register your interest in the team visiting your school, please complete the registration form below, or email schooltours@iamhope.org.nz