I learned how I can help out my classmates

I didn't know that lots of people feel like they're not good enough for their family and friends. But now I can help my friends in class talk to someone when they feel that way.

Learn more about out work in Schools
At I AM HOPE we’re about
normalising the inner critic
The voice inside all of our heads that has
us second-guessing everything we do.
The voice of doubt that beats us up and
tells us we’re failures, that we’re worthless.
Having an overactive inner critic is not a
 sign of mental illness, it’s a sign that we are normal.

The key to life is hope!
Be that hope

For the last decade we have been giving mental health talks in schools and communities up and down Aotearoa.


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Our latest campaigns, events, and news from us.

Available for anyone 25 and under

Gumboot Friday Free Counselling

Feeling the need to talk? We're here for you, and it won't cost a thing. Pick your preferred counsellor from the team of professionals. They are ready to listen and support you.

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